
Japanese-English electronic dictionary with special focus on kanji characters

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Why JiShop is the best

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Why JiShop is the best
Home > Articles > Why JiShop is the best

Here we give you some examples, comparing JiShop with other popular kanji dictionaries, namely:

"Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary" by Andrew Nelson
"The Kanji Dictionary" by Mark Spahn and Wolfgang Hadamitzky (S/H)
"New Japanese-English Character Dictionary" by Jack Halpern
 WWWJDIC, online resource based on KANJIDIC and EDICT dictionary files
 and used in many freeware programs (zKanji, etc.)

The characters chosen for these examples are not the most common ones. However, they are the best to show you how much more information JiShop can give you as compared with other sources.

 Example 1. JiShop defines a kanji accurately, clearly differentiating between on-yomi, kun-yomi and compound words.

Nelson:Heki. tama  (see under 球)
S/H:HEKI, tama  pierced jewel-disk, jewel; splendid
kanpeki perfect, flawless
WWWJDIC:ヘキ   たま  sphere; ball
Halpern:not included
JiShop: JiShop entry for 璧
Entry no. 4559

 Example 2. Characters representing plants and animals are defined accurately, in full detail, with Latin names and clear distinction between genus and species.

Nelson:shigi  snipe
S/H:shigi  snipe, sandpiper
WWWJDIC:しぎ  snipe
Halpern:not included
JiShop: JiShop entry for 鴫
Entry no. 1146

 Example 3. Some dictonaries give you a completely wrong idea about a character. The kanji below can mean "cobalt" only in Chinese but never in Japanese. JiShop always gives you correct information about actual usage of kanji in modern Japanese language.

Nelson:not included
S/H:KO  cobalt
WWWJDIC:  cobalt
Halpern:not included
JiShop: JiShop entry for 鈷
Entry no. 810

 Example 4. Some kanji are variants of other characters but can have different functions. This is never ignored in JiShop.

Nelson:See 裏
S/H:See 裏
WWWJDIC:リ   うち うら  reverse; inside; palm; sole; rear; lining; wrong side
Halpern:nonstandard for 裏
JiShop: JiShop entry for 裡
Entry no. 2823

 Example 5. Rare kanji traditionally used as key radicals ('bushu') are sometimes entered into dictionaries only as radicals. JiShop defines their character functions as well.

Nelson:Majiwaru  to mix  (included only as a radical)
S/H:KO:  divination-stick pattern; intersect
WWWJDIC:コウ ギョウ   まじ.わる めめ まじわる  to mix with; to associate with; to join; double X radical
Halpern:meme  'crisscross'  (included only as a radical)
JiShop: JiShop entry for 爻
Entry no. 4480

 Example 6. JiShop is most particular in defining kun readings and other individual words.

Nelson:kaza(su)  hold aloft; shade (the eyes); stick (something) in the hair. kasu(mu)  be purblind.
kasumime  blurred eyes
S/H:EI  shade, block the light, dim
kaza(su)  hold up (to the light); stick (a flower) in one's hair
kasu(mu)  have dim eyesight
翳目  kasu(mi)me  dim eyesight, partial blindness
陰翳  in'ei  shadow; shading; gloom
振翳  fu(ri)kaza(su)  fling up, brandish
WWWJDIC:エイ   かげ かげ.る かざ.す きぬがさ くも.る くもり  hold aloft
Halpern: a) [now replaced by 影 ei] shadow, shade
b) [now usu. 陰り kageri] shade; gloom
  暗翳  an'ei  shadow, gloom
  陰翳  in'ei  shadow
  翳りの有る顔  kageri no aru kao  face shaded with pensiveness
JiShop: JiShop entry for 翳
Entry no. 5075

 Example 7. JISHOP fully explores modern informational capabilities, completely lacked by its predecessors. All the data for the entry below were found on the Web because the available paper sources contained too little information about this kanji.

Nelson:not included
S/H:HA  flower, petal
WWWJDIC:ハ   はな  flower; petal
Halpern:not included
JISHOP: JiShop entry for 葩
Entry no. 5282