

Japanese-English electronic dictionary with special focus on kanji characters

Japanese-English kanji dictionary
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Welcome to the blog!

May 8, 2013
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Hello, mina-san!

Today we have three pieces of important news. We have introduced a new design of our website, released a new minor version of JiShop for Windows, and launched a blog! What you are reading now is the first post of this blog.

Our website is now better structured (two menus, bread crumbs, etc.) and contains new features. You can, for example, try our demo that shows you the main features of the program in animation. It demonstrates how to use JiShop on Windows, but on other platforms everything works in a similar way. This demo might even surprise you with some features you didn't know about so far! We are planning to add more demos later, with concrete examples of looking up kanji and words.

We have launched twitter and RSS to prompty convey all our news. You can also follow us on Facebook or via the mailing list.

From now on, JISHOP will be spelled as JiShop. Rebranding? Respelling? Whatever you call it, the renovated name should harmonize better with JiPad, the written input tool we introduced recently.

The new version for Windows, JiShop 7.2 doesn't introduce any novel features. However, it gives you a better quality of written input recognition (thanks to all the users who sent us complaints about JiPad's shortcomings!) and contains 1500 more compound words in the dictionary database. The trial period is now extended from 7 to 30 days.

The blog will be mirrored on Facebook: complete short posts and shortened long posts linked to this blog. Please leave your comments about them on Facebook. We haven't yet provided any interactive tools on the site, but if you like it better, we will.

I hope to write a new post every week. There's always something to discuss, and it won't be bound by the issues of our project. Kanji characters, their history, their role in Japanese and the ways of studying them give you an inexhaustible source of topics. Kanji stories, kanji riddles, kanji puns, kanji mnemonics and kami know what else.

Stay with us. Korekara mo yoroshiku!

Vadim Smolensky